November 22 2020 – Julie Ghatan

I wasn't ever big on puzzles as a kid or as an adult. I just never saw the appeal of spending hours putting something together that I would then take apart and put in a box. And then what? You do it again sometime? Yeah right! But then I met *this* vintage circular jigsaw puzzle and it completely changed my mind about them!
Purchased from the Delaware Place estate of the original owner, this 500-piece jigsaw puzzle titled "Computer Talk" features all the computer languages from 1965 on a gorgeous watercolor gradient backdrop. Admittedly, I did not relish the thought of having to complete this puzzle for product shots so I saved it for a stressful evening when I needed a distraction: ELECTION NIGHT and yes, I completed it in 2 sittings. It was a very welcome and successful distraction that focused my brain on something other than the stress outside and just like that, I became a puzzle person! I didn't anticipate the enormous challenge or the sense of accomplishment I'd feel when it was completed but now I'm addicted. If you're in need of a productive distraction, snag this awesome puzzle here!