11th Annual West Town Art Walk

September 20 2022 – Julie Ghatan

11th Annual West Town Art Walk
11th Annual West Town Art Walk

West Town Art Walk 2022 at Dovetail

9/23, 5pm-10pm  //  9/24, 12pm-8pm

Take 20% off all regularly priced vintage purchased in store.

We'll be showcasing our collection of vintage art all weekend long, much of which is in store and not online, but feel free to check out our online collection before swinging by.

When my pal Chris Hunt, owner of Seek Vintage, and I started the West Town Art Walk in 2011, I don't think either of us imagined the event would be going strong 11 years later. I don't even know if I thought I'd still have a shop 11 years later! I wasn't thinking that far ahead. But here it is, another year and another Art Walk. After partnering with the Chamber of Commerce in 2012, the event is bigger than ever since so many new and wonderful galleries and businesses have joined us on Chicago Ave. However, back in 2011, Chicago Avenue was a different story. I would be remiss not to share the little-known origin story of the West Town Art Walk. I was in Swim Cafe one morning ordering a coffee and morning pastry and chatting with Karen Gerod, the cafe's owner, who sadly passed away in 2014. Karen suggested that someone should organize an event on Chicago Ave to bring visibility to the businesses in the area. I thought it was a great idea! I promptly walked out of Swim and into Seek and asked Chris if he wanted to organize an art walk with me and thankfully he said YES enthusiastically. Chris and I designed the first Art Walk poster and went door-to-door asking our neighboring businesses if they'd join us. It was a real grass roots effot, which got the attention of the Chamber and started our partnership with them in 2012, who were able to grow it more than we could have imagined. 

A big thank you to all of our regulars as well as our out-of-town customers who make it a point to swing by the store during this annual event---we love seeing you! Dogs are always welcome at Dovetail so feel free to bring your fur baby this weekend! Below is a map of the event and list of particpants. See you this weekend!